Published on Oct. 4, 2022
SASSO returns to the Ecuadorian market
For more than 15 years and the first significant avian influenza crisis in France, SASSO was no longer able to supply its customers in Ecuador. After having restarted the process in 2020, we finally received, in June 2022, the certification and the permit to export again to Ecuador from our Brazilian GP production site, located in Salto.
For more than 15 years and the first significant avian influenza crisis in France, Sasso was no longer able to supply its customers in Ecuador. Despite numerous attempts to be allowed to export from France again, each time it was a failure.
Taking advantage of the fact that we now have a GP production site in Brazil, we have in 2020 via our colleagues of Hendrix Ltda started again the steps to have the site of Salto recognized by the Ecuadorian authorities as an exporting site of day-old chicks.
The Covid-19 pandemic and other factors have significantly slowed down the process, but after more than two years of long and hard work, in June 2022 we received by official way the certification and the permit to export again to Ecuador from our Brazilian site.
Since this date, Sasso has been able to supply lots of breeding stock to its Ecuadorian customers, and the first exports were carried out in the best conditions.
This is a great opportunity for our company, because the market of traditional poultry in Ecuador is a key market in South America and many producers are in demand of Sasso breeding stock.